Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Picture Post

Oh the good 'ol picture post, used for those times when a lot has happened but you're kinda tired of talking about it. So with out further ado I present the last two weeks in pictures:

Made some amazing fresh pasta with a salmon cake on top.

And some fresh ravioli....pasta machine=great investment

Dehydrated some more mangoes.

Built a totally awesome back porch with kick ass fire pit.
Tried out to be the jib man on this totally awesome boat... sun burnt and the position.
And then I bought a boat.
That's it, all built and looking bad ass.

oh ya and I worked a bit...

 But back to this boat thing, it's an 18' Hobie cat with black hulls...and she needs a name. This is your chance to help me name her...thoughts?