Friday, April 22, 2011


After 160 day and 24 posts my well runneth dry.

I am still enjoying writing this blog and would like to continue but I have run out of topics, this is where YOU come in....What would YOU like to read about? 
How can you say no to that face?!
Please feel free to ask a question or suggest a topic by simply clicking the comment button below. Don't forget to add your name so I can give credit where credit is due. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Maybe it's not so bad

So Steve leaving us hanging high and dry last week was unpleasant but overall it hasn't been that big of a deal. Joe and the Korean teachers really stepped up and made it less painful. I still had to drag my butt out of bed at 8am, with a cold, on a Saturday, to chaperon a field trip to Suwon fortress, but it turned out to be pretty cool. There were a ton of exhibits and cheap souvenirs the only downside were all the kids....what a drag! They were actually all ridiculously cute and fun as seen in the next picture:

They found a hill to slide was hilarious until the crying started.

On Sunday I also, finally, ate the forbidden meat. I had Boshintang (dog meat stew), and it was delicious. That's right, it wasn't just good, or ok, it was delicious! I know what your saying, "freak, sicko, ewwww, I had dogs I could never!" The truth is I grew up with dogs my whole life and I loved them very much. Maggie was the best dog, she loved us, and we loved her. Man....talking about dogs is making me hungry. 
 How can you say that doesn't look good?

Oh and a quick what the K#REA moment....that's a live lobster in a claw machine.... If you have to ask if I played...YOU DON'T KNOW ME.
That machine got at least 5 bucks out of me....I will win.

Friday, April 8, 2011

This day will be known as

F.U.C.K. Day (Foreigner Unhappy with Current Kareer Day) April 7th 2011

Steve is my co-worker who has been less than satisfied with LCI. It has come to my attention that he has in fact become so dissatisfied that he purchased a plane ticket and will be leaving tomorrow. He "has written a note to our boss" but he's left Jessica and I to cover his S.H.I.T (Stuff He Isn't Tying-up). His S.H.I.T includes a field trip this Saturday, "open class" (parents come in to see their kids in class) next week, Oh ya and all his classes every day 8 hours a day. Steve will be forever synonymous with F.U.C.K.

My LCI time will surely be defined as Pre-Steve-Leaving and ASS (After Steve Skedaddled)

1   A.S.S.

The full implications of what has occurred truly dawned on me today.
It has been awkward at LCI, we are covering classes and telling parents that Steve's Grandma and or Grandpa died (I have heard both stories). I have a field trip to Suwon traditional village tomorrow with twenty that should be fun. F.U. Steve (Fuck yoU.....I ran out of clever acronyms)