Friday, April 8, 2011

This day will be known as

F.U.C.K. Day (Foreigner Unhappy with Current Kareer Day) April 7th 2011

Steve is my co-worker who has been less than satisfied with LCI. It has come to my attention that he has in fact become so dissatisfied that he purchased a plane ticket and will be leaving tomorrow. He "has written a note to our boss" but he's left Jessica and I to cover his S.H.I.T (Stuff He Isn't Tying-up). His S.H.I.T includes a field trip this Saturday, "open class" (parents come in to see their kids in class) next week, Oh ya and all his classes every day 8 hours a day. Steve will be forever synonymous with F.U.C.K.

My LCI time will surely be defined as Pre-Steve-Leaving and ASS (After Steve Skedaddled)

1   A.S.S.

The full implications of what has occurred truly dawned on me today.
It has been awkward at LCI, we are covering classes and telling parents that Steve's Grandma and or Grandpa died (I have heard both stories). I have a field trip to Suwon traditional village tomorrow with twenty that should be fun. F.U. Steve (Fuck yoU.....I ran out of clever acronyms)


  1. How many more days til you leave?

  2. Is this your attempt at sarcasm? irony? hmmmm, well the obvious answer is he giant count down clock on the main screen, soooo I'll assume you just didn't see it. 214 days
