Monday, September 5, 2011

Time to Kill

I haven't posted in many a moon but I have a good reason: I didn't want to. Ya maybe throw in a little laziness and a bit of busyness but really I just had other, not even better, things to do. I have also, since my last post, had a mild case of home sickness (or what I like to refer to as "I want to get the f*ck out of Korea sickness"). These bouts of IWTGTFOOKS come and go and often last only a few weeks, but this current case has me itching for a plane ticket. Don't get me wrong I still love Korea, but some of the magic has rubbed off. Being lost and illiterate has lost its charms. It's no longer an adventure now it's just annoying. That said, I have been having some great adventures and now I will leave you to see them in the best format I know, photo collage with sarcastic subtitles, ENJOY!

 Before Mud Fest, with some good friends, MinJae Dave, Ashton, Aaron...AND MAX
Our bus driver getting lost on the way TO AND FROM rafting.
 Snack on the bus, perfectly timed it.
 The crew.

 Mommy and Daddy visited and I showed off my sick new ink.
First comes Beer
Then comes Karaoke
 Busan, who knew Korea was this beautiful, why am I in the north again?

 Can you see the pain? Staring into the sun as the photographer takes "just one more shot" for the fifth time.
 What could all these people stopping to take pictures of?

 Oh just the silly white people dancing.
 Back to "work" these kids teach themselves, score.

 Johns wedding, proof white guys "do well in Korea"

 Lookin' like a boss in my suit.

 More proof white guys "do well in Korea"

 Korean kids are the cutest damn kids in the world, don't even try and argue it.

 Breakfast (nothing edible but rice...mmmm rice)

Ok so a bunch of really cool fun stuff happened but also I was hospitalized for 5 days with pneumonia so ya that sucked. p.s. pneumonia sucks. p.p.s pneumonia sucks even more in a Korean hospital where no one speaks English and seams surprised every time you say you don't speak Korean.

66 more days and I'll be back in the states for better or worse. I thought I would "figure out my 'life' in a year in Korea" surprise! didn't work that way?! If you have any suggestions or invitations feel free to post those in the comments section.

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