Friday, September 23, 2011

ONE SANDAL sorta day

It's finally Friday and me and the boys decide to blow off some steam. 3 whiskey cokes later I'm ready to hit the town. We end up at Truck with my good friend John, his wife Jehyun and Dave. We have a pleasant evening. Then we go to dinner around 3 or 4 am (time is irrelevant) at the chicken galbi place that I once accidentally bailed on the tab. (but that's another story) We eat and after a million international drunk dail attempts I instead insult the South African at the table (not even with a tasteless apartheid joke). So I pay my bill and peace out to walk home and attempt a million more drunk dials. On my way home I see a tree....not just any tree....a huge tree. It looks amazing and I must climb it (even if it is 4am .....or so). I wander off the well lit road in search of this massive oak. As I crest the hill I am mesmerized, staring at the huge umbrella of foliage, then suddenly I am face first in a ditch, my legs are throbbing and I am completely disoriented. I have stepped into a 2 foot deep cement ditch that was covered over with weeds. I detangle myself and stand up but discover that I am minus a shoe. I get on my hands and knees with my cellphone in hand for light and look and look and look and look but it has disappeared. I yelled out a long string of English and Korean curse words then turned for home and limped back bleeding from both shins. 
I feel there should be some sort of moral to this story but the truth is I'm glad I walked up there, it's somewhere that I have looked at and thought looked neat but never went to. Never mind F that! I just looked down and noticed that I ripped off a chunk of my big toenail in my adventure last night no wonder my foot was throbbing too. I'm going back to sleep. Goodnight.


  1. Oddly enough, there has been more than one occasion where I have come home with only one shoe. What are you suppose to do with only one shoe? Really, I have like 5 single shoes in my closet, with high hopes that one day I will find the pair. What sandals where they? Did they once belong to a fellow named Trevor? On a side note, were your millions of phone calls sucessful? I was thinking you should write about the time you bailed on the bill, but on second thought, its probably not a good idea :)


  2. I suppose somethings are better left "the bill", on the other hand though it was a pretty silly night. And no it was not my beloved pair of original one of a kind "trevors" those are still safely in my possession until the next "adventure". As far as the phone calls go I'm not sure....(if you didn't guess, they were calls to you" I swear i was dialing everything right but I just never go through. Were you screening?
