Monday, December 5, 2011

Being Back in The US a lot like eating Subway. You want it when you cant have it but really is it ever what you remember? I have craved a foot of meat and bread covered in delectable condiments for the past year much like I craved the comfort of home. Yet as I sink my teeth into my sandwich I feel delighted and disappointed all at the same time.
I love being back in the US, it's great, I can see the stars at night, I can make small talk with strangers, and there are more flavors of beer than cells in my now shriveled-soju-soaked-pathetic-excuse-for-a-liver. 
These things are nice, and good, and intoxicatingly delicious but I miss things from Korea. I miss my friends, beautiful women that don't ever get cold, and the crazy pace everyone lives at. I knew I would miss the women but missing my friends and the Korean lifestyle has come as a shock. Here in Washington I have 6.5 friends. 
In order of distance from my residence:
Danielle 8.3 Miles
Kira 36.3 Miles
Isaac (and Jen=.5:) 64.8 Miles
Katie 302.2 Miles
Garth 309.8 Miles
Maria 309.8 Miles
Frankly I'm bored. I'm applying to jobs, and I have an interview tomorrow, but most of my day is wasted. I know what your thinking, "that's your own damn fault, go do something!" You're right and I have, I went flying one day, I have visited friends in Canada and Oregon, and I'm even building a Penny Farthing Bike but the honest truth is that I miss having people around. I was constantly surrounded by fun amazing people in Korea and its rough being here with so few and very busy friends.
As far as the lifestyle change goes I don't think its surprising to any one that leaving a 24hour cheap party to live in my parents house has required a bit of transition.
In the end I recognize I need to be thankful for who what I have and not dwell on what I had.... or just go back to Korea.
Now that I think about it the only thing that is the same between moving to the US and eating Subway is they both made me nearly shit myself (metaphorically and in actuality...seriously it was close) .

Before I forget...this is a video of Sara chugging soju (not recommended). She failed to finish the bottle so I don't know what she is so proud of but she insisted that I include her minor accomplishment in my world renowned with out further ado I bring to you an almost impressive video.

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