Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Lost Art of Walking

I started my day with some reheated pizza from the night before. Why is pizza always better in the morning?! (this is one of life's mysteries) I then started walking from north Everett to Lake Stevens. I stopped in a coffee shop for a bacon cheddar croissant sandwich and a white mocha. 

The guy in front of me didn't have any cash and the shops credit card machine was down so I offered to buy his drink, he thanked me and said I made his day. It's funny but "making his day" really made my day. While crossing the trestle I saw two deer bedded down in the marsh below, 

little did I know this was going to be the least interesting thing I saw on this walk. Next I came upon a bra in a drain,

then porn,

then more porn,

then even more home made porn (those were three separate porn instances?!)

and lastly one mint condition Tom Candiotti baseball card.

At the beginning of this post I mentioned "the lost art of walking", I said that because I believe many of us have forgotten how to slow down. I have no where to be quickly but I still drive a car the quarter of a mile to the store. Not to think too much into this but during my walk I was never bored, though I am often while driving, I was never enraged by a "stupid driver", and I got a lot of thinking done including planning my up coming birthday party, my move to Hawaii and even drafted this post. All in all a pretty successful day and all accomplished before 11am.

Quick side note: I was also saddened by the shear amount of garbage on the side of the road. The majority of the trash was empty beer bottles and cans. Something I noticed was that all the drinks were of the shitty-cheap-variety, not a single hoppy micro. There were lots of Mickeys, and Buds, but most of all I counted enough 4lokos to kill a dozen frat-guy-douche-bags. (just another fun 4loko picture...I couldn't resist). So the take away message? People who drink shitty beer are just not good people.

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