Monday, March 19, 2012

Intresting Times in Oahu

Trying to catch up on rest after an eventful week. First we had a Burning Man regional event stay at camp which translates to 96 straight hours of techno music (no turned of for about 12 minutes total when some one to stoned to DJ, impossible you say, alas no he unplugged the turn table so he could recharge his cell phone....his slightly less stoned friend remedied the situation and we went back to constant house rattling "ungg tiis unggg tissss"). On the bright side the crazy hippy people loved being topless while spinning fire (exhibit a) and looking like Fidel Castro with a purple beard (exhibit b).

In other news I messed up my ankle though I have told this story sooo many times that I'm having trouble finding the will to tell it once more here, but inquiring minds want to know....
Camp Timberline has a portable ropes course that we take to events around the island. It's basically a scissor lift trailer with a track-leash system that is 17' tall. We have many leashes but few carabiners therefor I brought my own personal carabiner, this proved to be my fatal flaw. My harness was clipped into the leash by a co-worker who had only ever used auto locking carabiners where as mine was a screw gate carabiner, long story short he didn't close my gate properly which allowed it to open when I weighted the harness. Thus I fell 17 feet but due to my cat like reflexes I landed on my my right foot instead of my face. I sprained my ankle but shattered my pride. Moral of the story don't fall 17 feet.


  1. cool pics, sorry to hear about your ankle. really sorry that you had to fall 17 feet. hope you are still able to work

  2. Bummer about your ankle. I never really liked auto-locking carabiners.

  3. I'm not a huge fan of auto lockers either but funny enough it was a twist gate that screwed IDK.
