Thursday, November 25, 2010

Little Diffrences Can Be Dramatic

A visit to the hospital today was...curious? First off I am OK my sickness is not exactly getting better but it sure isn't getting worse. *knock on wood...I would if I could find any in my plastic apt.
The visit to the hospital was to have some tests done to make sure I am fit to educate Korean children. My adventure started at the front door where an old man walking with a cane, who had obviously peed himself, walked past leaving puddles every step he took. He didn't seem too concerned nor did the staff walking past him. Next a man rolled a woman on a stretcher past me, nearly crushing my feet. Looking back at him I realized he wasn't an orderly, he was a relative, all the patience I saw today were pushed by family. I was whisked from station to station: check my teeth here, listen to my heart and lungs there, measure my weight height and BMI, then an unnecessary x-ray of my chest for fun, the best for last Urine and Blood!
I sat in the chair I was directed to and waited as the nurse made phone calls. A child of maybe 4 walked out of a room with a giant HAZMAT sticker across the door. He stood on the chair across from me next to the nurse on the phone. He proceeded to turn equipment on and off, pick up test tubes put them in his mouth then replace them at random. The nurse watched this with passive recognition. Was it "bring your kid to work-and expose-him-to-all-sorts-of-dangerous-things day"? I don't know but this is just the beginning of odd Korean phlebotomy practices.
Done with the phone conversation he replaces the receiver and grabs a needle. I notice he has missed a step but give the professional the benefit of doubt. "He won't really take blood from me with out washing his hands or dawning gloves...will he?" *Oh side note he also handled my urine sample, sans-gloves, while on the phone.* One swipe of the alcohol swab then with his bare finger he pokes the freshly "sterilized" spot on my arm, finding the vein. The needle goes in and the blood is drawn.
Back out the front door we have to squeeze past the truck that has backed up to the double doors to load soiled laundry. I could see a loading dock several feet from where I stand but the front doors was where he parked...Only in Korea. Today was an adventure all it's own. I truly can't believe I have been here for only two weeks it feels like a very long time, not in a bad way, just an observation. I had a few requests for my address; I will provide the schools as it will be easiest and most likely to be delivered.
LCI Kids Club C.O. William Teacher
660-8 LCI Acadamy B/D
E-Dong Ansan-Si
Kyunggi-Do, 426-857 South Korea

Oh and NO I am not near the bombing in the north...although we have been directed to have our travel documents on hand and a bag packed in case we are evacuated?!

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