Friday, December 3, 2010

I POOP In My Apartment

Time for another installment in "What The Korea!?!?" Please welcome our host Kim Jong Will with a few more interesting facts about Korea:

I have yet to defecate any where other than my apartment because, very few stores have their own restroom, the public restrooms don't have TP, soap?, lastly squaty-potty. The squatter is just that, you hover above a hole in the ground while trying to do your thing, and I am not interested in trying any time soon if it can be avoided.

I have yet to see a garbage can/truck/dumpster/fire barrel?  I have been told to separate my recyclables from trash then take it all and heap it on the nearest pile I see in the alley or on the street. Besides the obvious question, why separate if it all goes back together? I think the more interesting question is where does it go and how does it get there? There are old men and women pulling carts collecting recyclables but this can't account for everything. Ansan is "dirty" but not "heap-your-garbage-on-the-street-with-no-real-organization-dirty"

Parer or plastic?
At Home Plus (my "Wallmart-on-crack") you can't get a bag to carry your groceries home in, instead you "build a box" with tape provided, kind of self serve Costco-ish. This alone is not that strange, after all soon most of the states will likely have a "no bag law", but if I go next door to Lotteria (fast food place) and order a combo I will get two plastic bags, four paper bags, and two wrappers. How you ask? Why? I don't know but this is how. *YOU can keep score at home just count on your fingers to see how many bags I can get!* Fries: fry sleeve, small paper bag, big paper bag w/burger, then a plastic.
Burger: wrapper, small bag, big paper bag w/fries, then the plastic.
Drink: cup, lid taped on, in a paper bag, in a plastic bag.

The Korean mask is worn on the train to protect against the crowd but the bathroom at the station will not have TP or soap. No gloves to take blood at the hospital but I couldn't stay if it was found I had AIDS (I don't by the way! My boss announced it to me and my co-workers, along with my blood pressure, weight, height, well everything). Family style dining is the norm with shared sides that I'm not sure have been refrigerated.

This has been another installment of What The Korea!?!? Thanks for playing at home!

In other news I'm still doing great. I have made a few friends, found some new places, and learned some more Korean. Pictures are stiiiiilllllll coming...I swear!


  1. Ha! Leave it to you to let us know about your current pooping issues. :) Despite the topic, though, it is STILL good to hear from ya! Hope this finds you well. :)

  2. Hey Will,

    So it figures that I type up this whole great e-mail to you telling you what was going on with me and asking about you and stuff, and then apparently....I sent the e-mail to myself!! LOL!!

    I'm loving your posts and enjoying talking with you when I have the chance. I hope classes are getting smoother for you. Hey - is there anything you miss from home right now? Any foods/snacks/teas/games/etc...?? Let me know can you please?

    Send some pics when you can!


  3. Well the good news is you are pooping. It could be another sad story if you weren´t. In Grand Canary <islands and heading for home soon. Will try at thqat time to call and talk to you. looking forward to hearing your voice. Love, mom
