Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh How I Love You

Let me count the ways:
My last week has been classic Korea AKA ridiculously confusing yet totally awesome. And to prove how confasome it was here are some interesting pictures and video clips. It all started a little something like this:

I joined a group of expats in a test of strength endurance and drinkatude. Below is a video of just ONE scientific test we participated in to determine the ultimate victor of the First Annual Omegathon. 

Back to work but the fun doesn't stop. Below, for a reason to absurd to utter, there is a kid in a sparkly blue track suit....he is wearing it of his own volition and is not the only one sporting this flashy new trend.

 This next clip is a charming example of the effects of alcohol indulgitude on children....(before this clip was shot the subject told me a little story, "Daddy drink Soju, Soju, Soju, then sleep real loud next day" Me "you mean he snores really loud?" *Him "ya on the floor"*) *OK so he didn't really say on the floor but the story, funny as it already is, would have been ridiculous if he had.
Off to dinner with the co-workers. Happy Birthday Anna Teacher!
 Oh I almost forgot, though how it slipped my mind I don't know, I am going to be Micheal Jackson in the Kindergartners graduation performance. Here's a sneak peek at the hilarity that I'm sure will ensue.

Today I rode in a small yellow sports car with Jee Hye and her mom to Daegu. We drove for four hours to go to her cousins wedding. Korean weddings are .... different.

(This wasn't a traditional Korean wedding it has been Westernized but it was still a little awesome)

 Why yes...that is a fog machine. You better believe they had a light-up-pressure-sensitive-isle too.

 I wasn't sure if the had the proper professional camera coverage so I made sure to snap a few shots so they wouldn't miss a big moment.
Can you count how many camera operators there are? The answer is at the end of this post.
 Two reasons this picture makes me happy:
1) Hanboks aka Traditional Korean Formal Wear.
2) Because she ISN'T pointing at me...few.

 This next one confused me for a second...Why is he bowing down in fear? Was the old woman pointing at him? OR Is it the giant Cake Sword behind him? I leave it to you to decide. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...6 oh ya they're filming too...trick question. Nice try though.

Over all it was a silly good time even though I didn't understand a word of it. I'm having a great time and I have found that the best way to have a great time is to just say yes. This wasn't something I would usually be excited about but it was a great time and I'm glad I went. Till next time...


  1. That poor little kid, did you just let him keep doing that?? Also, stick with those korean girls. They make you seem tall.

  2. Please tell me you have a sparkly tracksuit of your own.

  3. You better believe it. You could have one too if you play your cards right.

  4. Or was that kid just borrowing yours? Bout the same size....
