Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What the K#RE@!?

Welcome back to another episode of WHAT THE KOREA!
Today we will explore some more fun and interesting happenings in the down south....South Korea that is!

Today is the start of 설날 (Seolnal or "Lunar New Year" for all you gringo Americans) You may have noticed that I have become semi-not-illiterate. I have been "studding" Korean at a bar and a restaurant. 
The Bar is called Truck A MultiPlayground. (I am really not sure what a MultiPlayground is, but the bar is tiny, it has a loft and a cat that is shaved to look like a lion, what more do you need?) At Truck I buy the bartender, Ivy, drinks and she teaches me new words. That's right Fun Fact 1. The bartenders, on the clock, will drink with you. She ends up buying me drinks too so really I'm getting language lessons for free.
The restaurant is called Spoon, it is the most exciting combination of Kor-Mex-Lian. That's right! Now YOU can fulfill your only undying wish! (as long as your wish is to be an American ordering an Italian dish from a Korean...If it is, your life must be quite disappointing. Next time wish for a high place to step off of and save me the effort of having to write these ridiculous wish scenarios for you...you know who you are) 
At Spoon I am not only learning Korean but am constantly being made fun of by G-Hey and her Momma. Today they told me that I am dumb then invited me to come hang out with them on New Years Day (Thursday?!) Being the glutton for punishment I am, I quickly agreed
Fun Fact 2. Koreans don't know when New Years is?! Instead of celebrating on January first like the "normals"  they watch the stars and celebrate their pagan anti American orbital period on the the day of the second new moon after the winter solstice, unless there is a intercalary eleventh or twelfth month in the lead-up to the New Year, in such a case, the New Year falls on the day of the third new moon after the solstice. (Because celebrating on January 1st is just too easy)
That's it. Those are the big plans for my break. I'm hoping this break will be long enough to settle the urge to punt small children out closed windows with the ultimate goal of them falling on to other small children thus succeeding in hitting two children with one child. 
I know I have problems...I would seek mental help if I had state sponsored health insurance, sadly I don't because my work is screwed up. 

Till next time. This has been What The Korea!? 


  1. don't kick the children.

  2. how can you be upset with those adorable children?

  3. Katie - Mostly because at times they are the bane of my existence.

  4. Don't eat the soup... it makes you older. Fact.

  5. This time anonymous wasn't me. But I approve of his or her statement.

  6. oh it was i. emily. this technology thing is hard for me.

  7. hahahah I am just rereading this and I knew that was me right away. (no I don't remember writing it.)
