Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2 Months Down

I celebrated by leaving school in the middle of the day for a doctor visit! YEAH! Actually I left on my lunch break to go because my throat was swollen and I had a fever for the last two days. When I arrived at the doctor, feeling dizzy and nauseous, I was informed that, "The doctor was out to lunch."
"Funny I called ahead to make sure I could be seen?!" (lightly concealed rage)
"Would I like to wait two hours to see him when he returns?" (asked in all seriousness)
"No I would not." (mild contempt, with a little forlorn sigh)
I took a cab back to work and napped for thirty minutes until my next class started. Half way through I ran to the bathroom to heave what I had eaten, which luckily was nothing. Another foreign teacher called down to the office to say that I was really sick. The boss-man came to my room took over my class and sent me back to the doctor. I was seen and diagnosed with acute tonsillitis. The doctor prescribed a myriad of drugs including penicillin. I returned, once more by cab, to school. I had enough time before my next class to eat some rice mixed with hot water and down my pills. My stomach finally settled and I took the rest of the day pretty easy. The kids, for the most part, were understanding and tried to be well behaved.
Over all it could have been worse. My co-workers were very kind and offered tons of help and the boss-man said "I wished you could go home to rest" (this is a big step: Steve, my co-worker, had to stay after getting an IV at the hospital and fainting at work *I guess I had to stay too but at least the boss-man feigned concern for me).
Here's hoping month three is where I really hit my stride!


  1. What's the story on the boss? How are the people you work with? What are the expectations you're faced with daily? etc.
    By the way, you're not the only Kim Jong Will blog out here. There's another guy in Hawaii with that blog name!
    Hang in there!

  2. I know! I was sad when I saw I (you) were unoriginal...That is why my blog addy is willtrimble.blogspot.com and not kimjongwill. cause he stole it. I will address your questions in my next post. Thanks!
