Monday, January 3, 2011

The Two Uses For The Internet

1. To post pictures of yourself wearing a swim suit in your bathroom mirror. (Sunglasses optional)
2. Bitching in your not-so-popular-blog.

Today I will do the latter.

My apartment is trying to kill me.

Since I moved in 53 days ago I have had a persistent cough. I know, a bit of an overreaction, but I think my new "roommate" is trying to kill me. Actually I don't believe he is trying to kill me, more just get me to aspirate his asexually-reproduced-filamentous-brethren. Oh ya I forgot to mention the quotes aground roommate implied that he is actually a 4.5 foot tall patch of mold growing on my wall...he's called Larry. 
Larry mostly keeps to himself. He likes to produce trichothecene mycotoxins, hang out, or just cause adverse physical reactions, including death, lung tissue damage, and memory loss. Really overall he is a fungi....(sorry I had to)
After bringing this information to the attention of my boss he suggested I should reposition my furniture in front of Larry. "Why didn't I think of that?" I almost forgot the "if you can't see it, it's no longer there fix" on the 'EPA's website concerning mold and indoor air quality'.
For all of you, at home, screaming at your screen, "spray him with bleach and quit bitching". I would like to share this short quote from Blazing Saddles, you might find it relates to the topic on hand (and is quite silly):

Bart: I better go check out this Mongo character.
[Bart reaches for his gun]
: Oh no, don't do that, don't do that. If you shoot him, you'll just make him mad. 

Yes I bleached him, I scrubbed him, I even bedazzeled him. And he came back with a vengeance. We have a shaky truce formed by a bottle of "mold cleaner" (*I think it's used for cleaning mold).

The truth is that I actually like my apartment quite a little bit. It has become home, I would hate to leave it but Larry and my respiratory system don't quite get along. Any one wanna come visit?

A few pictures for your viewing pleasure:

 One of my favorite Bedazzeled babes.
This is what you see when you Google "Beddazzeled Mold"?!


  1. Have you tried boat cleaner?

  2. Sorry about the mold you're dealing with. might help.
