Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pespective Changes Everything

....It's true, look a little closer at something or from a different angle and boom that "smokin'-hot-10" is a six foot tall tranny named Earl. I'm not saying he/she isn't still a "10" but... he/she is different, lets leave it at that. 
For you I have a series of pictures that at first may seem mundane but look a little closer and witness the magic of Korea.

A little back story to get us started. Keith visited me this last week and, from what I remember, we had a good time.

We went to a baseball game:
 Looks like a normal game right? Well that's because you didn't look to the right...
Yes, those are cheer leaders :) But don't forget about looking to the left...

That's a dude with a newspaper hat....and no one was staring at him, well besides me.

We went to a cool art exhibit:

 Cool I love flamingos! ya me too....

Are those hands?!?! WTF (wrong trippy fowl) 

Ahhhh back to the subway, the orderly, always-what-it-seems-subway:

 Ohh where are we going today?
 Hmmmm lets just zoom out a little....

Well that's just not nice.
(if you don't get this are one)

Dinner all this subversion is making me hungry.  (that segue was really thin...sorry)


Ya we eat with our fingers a lot but that's not that weird...

Until you add the magic of THE MOVING PICTURE...and Ke$ha

And lastly, an appearance from my good friend Keith, I'll let him explain why he made this list:

 Well that sounds completely normal, and if I may say so myself, that statement was looong overdue, but....I still think we missed something....

In the re-edit Keith has even more revelations about himself to share with everyone but, strangely, still sounds just like him.

Hope you enjoyed this little trip through the Korea-ZONE......

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why Will America Never Win?

 If you don't want to read the whole post, probably because your American, the answer is, because we are lzy*.

So sayeth thy book of idioms:
"I have always dreamed of ___________"

Being the excellent, thought provoking, engaging teacher I am, I ask "what have you always dreamed of?"

Student A"I have always dreamed of getting good grades on tests"
Me "ummm ok good, but you can really shoot for the moon here....Anything"
Student A "I have always dreamed of getting into a good high school"
Me "ooooook lets shift gears here. Go crazy, like, I have always dreamed of owning my own jet!"
Student B "I have always dreamed of getting into a good college!"
Me "ok so let me explain this can dream of ANYTHING, whether it can happen or not, there is no limit but your imagination" **
Student A "No I just reallly want to get into a good high school"
Me (face in hand sighing in exasperation) "you guys need better dreams"
Student A "ya, Korea kinda sucks"
ME "??????????????"
Student A "all we care about is school"
Me "??????????????"

Different class talking about our schedules:

Student A "I go to 12 schools"
Me "ha no, you mean to say I have 12 classes"
Student A "hmmm no I go to 12 schools"
Me "like LCI *** is a school"
Student A "I know"
Me "and you go to 12 like LCI"
Student A "ya"
Me "really"
Student A "ya"
Me "really really"
Student A "ya, Math, Science, Tae Kwan do, 2 English, Chinese, Korean, Baduk, Piano, Study Session, Art, and History"
Me "......when do you sleep"
Student A "at night teacher" (completely missing the sarcasm)
Student B "How many schools did you go to teacher?" 
Me "one"
Class "mmmmmm" with a knowing nod.

So I ask you:
How do we win in the global race if this is what we are up against? They are pumping out multi-lingual-artistic-ass-kicking-machines, we produce high school graduates 82.5% ****of the time.

Tell Me what You think, leave a comment, that is if you feel up to it...

*(I saw that typo but the backspace was ALLLL the way over there so I'll just put the "a" here)
**(by the way this is the highest level class in the school and they are fluent in English)
***(that's where I work) 
**** wayyyyy higher graduation rate than I thought it was but I was too lazy to get a more embarrassing statistic about the US. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

My New Everything

(Turn and face the strain)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
Oh David Bowie you lyrical genius! (pretty sure that is the first time any one has written Bowie and genius in the same sentence) Bowie had it right, time is changing me, but I'm not so sure about that "don't want to be a richer man" thing, otherwise he was on the nose. Truth is this post has absolutely nothing to do with me changing and becoming a different man/boy. It is more about me getting my new apartment, my new classes/schedule, and new happenings.
I am finally moved into my new apartment. I'm really happy with the place besides the mold, the creepy yellow wall, and the thermostat that went kaput. The Ansan Cribs video summed up all that there is to be seen, minus my awesome new art.
Found on the side of the road...My guess is the honeymoon is over.

As far as my new schedule goes it is a lesson in stupidity mixed with frustration and a little pinch of grueling death march. I now work eight and a half hour days 5 days a week. This might not sound that bad BUT JUST WAIT:
Those 8.5 hours are "in class time" so that translates to "8.5 hours of screaming children"
I have a "lunch break" 80 minutes into the day, and I tend to spend it at the computer trying to figure out lessons for the rest of the day, then we plow through the rest of the day with 5 min off between 80 minute classes.
And lastly my classes have been split in such a way that I now have 2 classes every 80 min block and that means more names, more weekly plans, more grades, more tests, and more hassles.
On the plus side I am making a boat load of cash  and I got to play Bananagrams the other day with one of my more advanced classes, though......
......I was feeling a bit frustrated at the time.

And as far as the rest of my life here is a quick overview via pictures (cause frankly it's easier than typing)

 Another less than good day spurred my creativity.

 On a lighter note, one of my kids shoes says "booby" hehehe

 Here is a portrait of me drawn by Ryan with the confusing title "Ryan is a william"

 An average "neighborhood" in Ansan

 A dead fish I found outside my front door.....Oh Korea

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ansan Cribs

Today on Ansan Cribs, we get an exclusive peak into William Teachers new pad. It's sure to be off the hook!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I am ....

My Fathers Son:
For better or worse I am very much like my father. Today I woke up early on my day off to go to Costco. I didn't need anything from the monolithic super store but I couldn't resist its sirens call. The thought of bulk goods makes my hair stand on edge and a sale make my loins stir (metaphorical of course). When I returned home from my trip to Costco with 5 lbs of bacon, 1 Kg of Cream cheese, and an even dozen blueberry bagels, I promptly put away my goods then pulled up Craigslist on the ol' PC.
I search the Craigslist postings at least 3 times a day. I don't merely click the sections that I might be interested in, electronics, bikes, FREE, ect.... I click the FOR SALE button, which allows me to view all posts from antiques to video games. Why? Because I can't resist! What if there is a great deal on that something that I can't live with out?!?! Like today: Kindle in Seoul. I already have one of these remarkable devices but it's such a good deal I was considering buying it any way?!!? "Maybe some one back home would want it, maybe a co-worker, a friend! ARGHHH such a good deal going to waste....MUST....Calll.....SELLLLER.....NO...nonono control yourself!" *sigh*
Lastly I moved into my NEW apartment today, it's not quite mold free, but that is a tale for another day. While moving the most glorious thing happened. The garbage gods truly smiled upon me by saying "let there be stuff, and there was."

I happened upon the greatest pile of "garbage" (I use the term garbage loosely here because obviously all this stuff is pure gold...FREE GOLD). I scrounged 50 wire hangers, Tupperware, re-usable grocery bags, a chest of drawrs, a book case, a couch, a rice cooker, place settings for four, a pair of soccer socks, and numerous other priceless artifacts.