Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I am ....

My Fathers Son:
For better or worse I am very much like my father. Today I woke up early on my day off to go to Costco. I didn't need anything from the monolithic super store but I couldn't resist its sirens call. The thought of bulk goods makes my hair stand on edge and a sale make my loins stir (metaphorical of course). When I returned home from my trip to Costco with 5 lbs of bacon, 1 Kg of Cream cheese, and an even dozen blueberry bagels, I promptly put away my goods then pulled up Craigslist on the ol' PC.
I search the Craigslist postings at least 3 times a day. I don't merely click the sections that I might be interested in, electronics, bikes, FREE, ect.... I click the FOR SALE button, which allows me to view all posts from antiques to video games. Why? Because I can't resist! What if there is a great deal on that something that I can't live with out?!?! Like today: Kindle in Seoul. I already have one of these remarkable devices but it's such a good deal I was considering buying it any way?!!? "Maybe some one back home would want it, maybe a co-worker, a friend! ARGHHH such a good deal going to waste....MUST....Calll.....SELLLLER.....NO...nonono control yourself!" *sigh*
Lastly I moved into my NEW apartment today, it's not quite mold free, but that is a tale for another day. While moving the most glorious thing happened. The garbage gods truly smiled upon me by saying "let there be stuff, and there was."

I happened upon the greatest pile of "garbage" (I use the term garbage loosely here because obviously all this stuff is pure gold...FREE GOLD). I scrounged 50 wire hangers, Tupperware, re-usable grocery bags, a chest of drawrs, a book case, a couch, a rice cooker, place settings for four, a pair of soccer socks, and numerous other priceless artifacts.


  1. I'm glad you resisted buying another Kindle. And do they have second-hand stores like Goodwill over there--used to be my favorite place to try & resist spending... even if I messed up it wasn't too bad.
    Congratulations, BTW, on getting a new place!

  2. Too bad someone doesn't have a nice porch couch for you to steal.

  3. I'm a Craigslist addict too. I check at least twice a day and I check three locations: Bellingham, Seattle and Vancouver BC. Then I tell my friends, "Hey I found the perfect bike for you on Craigslist." (Even though they weren't looking for a bike.)

  4. You are your father's son, almost. He would have bought the Kindle and found someone to resell it to even if it took months.;-) Not encouraging you though. He says "Costco is the best place on earth." Remember you will be coming home in 9-ish months. -mom

  5. You sound like a Portlander...

  6. ugh. parts of that made me ill. you are so UNlike me AND my dad in your spending... (also i'm sorry since when do you not HATE spending money? that's not the will i went to seattle with...) but i still miss you.

  7. Sean: they dont have goodwills here its actually frowned upon to buy used things cause of a status thing. I would be shunned if koreans knew i was dumpster diving.
    Ike: I have done that more times than I can count. hahaha
    Maria: it wasn't on a porch and you know that! It is fair game if it is on your lawn!
    Brett: I miss your face.
    Mom: don't count on it, but I'll keep it in min:)
    Emily: Im as frugal as they come except when it comes to spending on important things like my friends, then I like to be generous. so ha!
