Monday, March 21, 2011

Why Will America Never Win?

 If you don't want to read the whole post, probably because your American, the answer is, because we are lzy*.

So sayeth thy book of idioms:
"I have always dreamed of ___________"

Being the excellent, thought provoking, engaging teacher I am, I ask "what have you always dreamed of?"

Student A"I have always dreamed of getting good grades on tests"
Me "ummm ok good, but you can really shoot for the moon here....Anything"
Student A "I have always dreamed of getting into a good high school"
Me "ooooook lets shift gears here. Go crazy, like, I have always dreamed of owning my own jet!"
Student B "I have always dreamed of getting into a good college!"
Me "ok so let me explain this can dream of ANYTHING, whether it can happen or not, there is no limit but your imagination" **
Student A "No I just reallly want to get into a good high school"
Me (face in hand sighing in exasperation) "you guys need better dreams"
Student A "ya, Korea kinda sucks"
ME "??????????????"
Student A "all we care about is school"
Me "??????????????"

Different class talking about our schedules:

Student A "I go to 12 schools"
Me "ha no, you mean to say I have 12 classes"
Student A "hmmm no I go to 12 schools"
Me "like LCI *** is a school"
Student A "I know"
Me "and you go to 12 like LCI"
Student A "ya"
Me "really"
Student A "ya"
Me "really really"
Student A "ya, Math, Science, Tae Kwan do, 2 English, Chinese, Korean, Baduk, Piano, Study Session, Art, and History"
Me "......when do you sleep"
Student A "at night teacher" (completely missing the sarcasm)
Student B "How many schools did you go to teacher?" 
Me "one"
Class "mmmmmm" with a knowing nod.

So I ask you:
How do we win in the global race if this is what we are up against? They are pumping out multi-lingual-artistic-ass-kicking-machines, we produce high school graduates 82.5% ****of the time.

Tell Me what You think, leave a comment, that is if you feel up to it...

*(I saw that typo but the backspace was ALLLL the way over there so I'll just put the "a" here)
**(by the way this is the highest level class in the school and they are fluent in English)
***(that's where I work) 
**** wayyyyy higher graduation rate than I thought it was but I was too lazy to get a more embarrassing statistic about the US. 


  1. i thought this post was gonna have more to do with our newest war in libya. why don't you ask the children what they think of that?

  2. You had to go all the way to Korea to understand what I learned about our youth while being a teacher for oh so many years?

  3. Your new picture kinda says it all; don't ya think?

  4. OH anonymous how right you are...yet the credit can not be extended to you, your witticisms are always left unsigned. Be proud of your comment, proclaim your name in all caps and say I AM ME!

  5. And when you think about how hard it is to NOT graduate high school in the US......Kinda says a lot about America's youth, huh?

  6. ME THINK A-MERRRR-ICANS ARE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK... ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS FAIL... SOMEONE ELSE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU AND YOUR "MISTAKES". Hell, our A-merrr-ican socity is set up to support and promote the lowests achievers in our country; don't have money, not to worry - here, take what others have earned for you... not educated, excellent, we will give you money/grants and put the "middle class" students deep into debt that will in all likelyhood, not be paid off until they die... That will teach you to be respondsible!

    Well, enough of my soap-box, I will just step down off of it... or if I was Korean, a tripple-axel with a back-flip... no big deal...

    Big Bro
