Monday, September 22, 2014

A Change

I had a mini break down. I don't know if that's what you would call it but this is something that happens to me every so often, I have a sudden and overwhelming feeling of being trapped. My stomach twists into knots and I have an enormous feeling of impending doom, that soon everything I am doing is going to go horribly wrong. My knee jerk reaction is to curl up, eat food and wallow in self pity waiting for what will surely be the worst week, day, month, year of my life.
What could put my existence into such a tail spin? Well...anything, as long as I see it as an "important decision" I feel the need to over analyze. Most recently, twelve hours ago, I curled up on the couch and started binge eating chips and salsa all because I got an email from a professor saying I should buy a book. Laugh if you must but this seemingly inaquous email short circuted something and really ruined the next twelve hours*. Some of you might be saying to yourselves "professor?" Ya, so I signed up for classed at the community college to study material science (its mostly about carbon fiber). This was in answer to another small break down earlier in the year where I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, but that is a story for another day. The fact is, I signed up for this awesome program because I had a good chance at a good paying job if I graduated**. Ever since signing up I have felt bad about it; it's too long of a commitment, it's a passing interest, it's too expensive, it'll be too hard, the school might be attached by extraterrestrial lizard people. Some of these concerns are more valid than others, but to say I was ever 100% committed would be a huge stretch. I think I had an easier time deciding to go to Korea! So here I am the night before starting my first day of classes in over seven years, and I couldn't do it. At the core it was a time commitment issue. I feel strongly that the only thing we have is time and how we choose to spend it is extremely important. Over and over all I could think about was being tied to this program for a set period of time and it made me feel horrible; literally sick to my stomach.
So what am I doing otherwise with my time that is so important? Not much. My current job as a dry suit repair tech entails gluing stuff to other stuff. It's not the most fulfilling thing I have ever done but the best part is the flexibility it affords me. I can go in when I want leave when I want, I just have to make sure to finish projects. For a certified commitaphobe it's a killer gig. Alas, I know myself well enough that I wont be satisfied for long not using my brain, which is why I have devised a plan....not a great plan but a plan nonetheless***. I want to learn things, actually I crave it, I love new opportunities to learn new skill as long as it doesn't come at the cost of some other experience. So my plan is to study the things that interest me, metal work, playing guitar, painting, beer, Korean, sailing, diving, writing, entrepreneurship, bicycles, small engines.....too many things to list.
I think this sounds like a good plan but there is one huge hole, how do I keep myself from being distracted after all there are so many shiny things and web pages to look at. My initial thought is a routine, but I could see myself easily slipping out of it. Maybe I could write about my adventures and post them here on a schedule so people can call me out if I start being a lazy bum...well more of a lazy bum than usual. What do you think? Any great ideas to keep me on track learning interesting new things?
Eventually I will have to find something to do as a "real job" but I'm hoping that it comes in a more organic way instead of me blindly jumping into school.
Sorry if this post was even less organized than usual, in my defense I am writing this at 4am.

*twelve hours may seem like a very short break down but this is a mini break down after all.
**This is another thought that has plagued me for many years, the idea that I need to settle down and start a career.
***What a weird word?! nonetheless? huh...


  1. Well I'm glad you found some clarity in the decision. I'm sure it will work out for you in the better. These are the times that get us kicked in gear and I hope you can ride this newfound inspiration to get started on one of your other interests.

    I'll let you know if I have any ideas!

  2. Of course this deleted my comment when I signed in ��

    I had a heartfelt "I am the same way" comment with details and now it's gone ��. Now what if I commit to re-writing it and it disappears again!!??

    Seriously though, I've done community college twice now and finished 3/4 of the way both times feeling overwhelmed that all the effort I was putting in may not be for something I'll still be interested in or good enough at at the end of it. I tend to choose long-term jobs that give me good benefits and safety even though I'd thrive more in a start-up environment without the same certainty. I am fearful of putting years of effort and money into things I'm not sure will be worth it... Graphic design being one of them. I think "what if I'm just not good enough? Or if I end up not enjoying it? Or no one will hire me?" And the list goes on until I'm overwhelmed and depressed and end up going about my current job and being frustrated with myself and my job to no end. Then I start thinking "what if I just sell all my shit and go across the U.S. and climb and explore and camp for... Ever"? And then I realize I cling on to safety too much (and have too many health issue at the moment) to do that ��

    TL;DR I feel you

  3. Thanks Zach for your support, I'm glad to have a network of friends who consistently do that for me. Thank you Kira for your empathy, I totally get it! My highest priority at one time was with the affordable care act I am fortunate enough to feel safe to gallivant about with little are an amazing artist though and I know you would be great at most things you put your mind to. I just realized you both probably won't see my comment back to your comments, I might actually have to interact with you both in person?! gasp...

  4. Hiya Will! I stumbled upon this on Facebook this morning :)

    I do have a few pieces of advice (not that I'm an expert in any way):
    - Get involved with other people that are doing these things as much as you can... whether it's a meet-up or an unpaid "internship" or apprenticeship type thing, or something! I've found I learn and grow the most when I'm accountable to someone else (i.e. with guitar and writing music, I got better mostly because I found someone on Craigslist who wanted to start a band, and she ended up becoming my bandmate and also best friend :) )
    - Be clear about your goals (if you can)
    - This is the last one... um, recognize that at some point in time, reaching your goals might require some amount of "sacrifice".. maybe that's not a rule, but I've always found it to be true. The hardest thing for me is having to decline invitations to do fun things, and feeling like I'm "missing out" :) It was true when I had band practice and couldn't go hiking in the summer, and then when I was applying for schools and scholarships and couldn't do other things (and now, being in school)... And it has never really gotten less annoying, but... when I listen to the CD we were able to record because of that sacrifice (not that it's particularly good, but...), and when I can see how much more I enjoy my work now than I used to because of my applications, it all seems worth it :)

    Anyway, that ended up being longer winded than I intended, and isn't written particularly well, but I hope is helpful! :)

    Good luck!!!
